Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tuesday, October 14

While I see Riley's point of view, I also appreciate yours. I was talking about the dress code with my dad yesterday and he asked me for my opinion on it. I started off ranting about how unfair the dress codes were and how teachers have no right to do what they do. However, as we talked about it, I began to realize the reason for the dress codes. I think that students have every right to express themselves. I also think that the dress codes at this school are slightly extreme. But if there were not dress codes, when would people go too far? While I was talking with my dad I realized dress codes are put in place to prepare students for the real world and show them there is a time and a place for certain clothes. You wouldn't wear a crop top to work so why is it being worn in a school? I'm not saying I agree completely with either side. Both Riley and Mrs. Sheuerman present solid points. I'm just saying I see both sides and haven't made a decision either way because this is not a black and white issue.

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