Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday, November 24

What are you doing for Thanksgiving? Do you have any traditions? Go in to detail about your plans for the 5 day weekend.

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This Thanksgiving, we are staying home and having a super chill day. We usually go to my grandma's house, but she isn't hosting thanksgiving this year so we technically weren't invited, which is awkward. But, my mom and brother have some pretty intense food allergies so it's easier for us to stay home and cook our own food anyways. We will probably all help cook that day and then just hang out as a family. There is a pretty good chance I will go Black Friday shopping this year so I can get some good deals on my family's presents. I think it will be a great weekend!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, November 20

Go out and look up a what all goes on a resume website. What can you find? Include an example image if possible.

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A resume website is a more in depth version of a paper resume. It includes the same information but goes deeper and helps the employer or person interested get to know the person on a different level. A resume website allows people to interact with the information on the page while they are learning more about  the person. It is more organized than a paper copy and is often times more creative. A resume website allows people to showcase their skills, interests, strengths and more in a way that they choose. It can be incredibly simple or outrageously creative, but both represent the person in a way they choose. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday, November 18

Define 'User Experience'. What does it mean and how does it relate to web design? According to Google, user experience is "the overall experience of a person using a product such as a website or computer application, especially in terms of how easy or pleasing it is to use". I think user experience is a term used to describe what a person thinks of your website; not just certain parts but the website as a whole. It relates to web design because it is important to keep in mind what kind of user experience you want your audience to have. You want to make a website that is not only pleasing to the eye but that functions and works in every way. A well-rounded website would result in a good user experience.

Monday, November 17

Consider the quote below. What exactly do you think it means and how does it relate to Web Design?

I think this quote explains web design because design of the website is more than just how it looks. The form of the website relates to its function. When designing a website, you have to focus not only on how it looks but how it will work for your audience. You have to make it easy to navigate and easy to read. You also have to make the colors easy to read and possible for everyone in your audience to see. Design is way more than just the colors and font of the website; it is how the website conveys your message.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday, November 13

Reflect on your learning this semester so far in this class. Think about the first day you walked in to this room until right now. What have you learned about Web Design? What have you learned beyond Web Design? Explain yourself.

I have definitely improved my knowledge of wed design since the first time I walked into this room. At the beginning of the year, I knew absolutely nothing about creating websites or code. Now, I can make a pretty decent website and I can do it with or without an outline given to me. I know the code needed to make a website, including HTML and CSS. Beyond web design, I have definitely gotten more confident in my abilities for dealing with technology. In addition, I have also done something I never thought I would do so that's cool. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday, November 7

Define the following terms on your blog. Do not copy and paste definitions. Site where you got your definition.

FTP: It stands for file transfer protocol. It is used to transfer computer files from one place to another over the internet.

Web server: a system used to download files and webpages onto a computer

Web hosting: provides storage space and allows access to websites (Dreamhost, Hostgator, Bluehost, Linode, etc)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday, November 3

Tell me about your weekend. Give me details and photos!

My weekend was great! For Halloween, me and my friends got dressed up and went to Chipotle for $3 burritos. Then we went back to my friends house and hung out and passed out candy. After that we played capture the flag with a bunch of people and just hung out all night. Saturday, I got to sleep in which was lovely. I went to lunch with a friend then just hung out with my family the rest of the day. Sunday I went to church with my family, worked, then took a nap until bible study. After that I did homework and then met my family for dinner. I finished off my weekend watching Mulan so that was great. Overall, great weekend!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday, October 20

Tell me about your weekend. Share pics!

My friends were too scared to take a picture
 with me so I was all by my lonesome.
This weekend was super fun! On Friday, I went to the gym with my friend Sam and then the football game! Saturday morning I go up bright and early (4:30) and drove 50 minutes to Gladstone to work a swim meet. It was way too early. After I got home from the swim meet, I took a nap. It was lovely. Then I went to the haunted houses with my friends! We went to the Beast and the Edge of Hell. The Edge of Hell was definitely my favorite. Sunday I went to church, a super long staff meeting, bible study, and then to my visit my brother at KU. We went to dinner at our usual place and talked for a while. It was really nice to see him! Overall, great weekend!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Friday, October 17

What kind of background do you have with Photoshop? Have you used it before? What other types of design and editing software have you used before? Explain.

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I have no experience with Photoshop. I also have little to no experience with any other design and editing software. I have used the photo editor on my phone, Instagram, and Twitter, but I don't think that counts. I'm really excited to learn about it though! I would love to be able to edit my own pictures and make them really cool-looking! I'm pumped to learn!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tuesday, October 14

While I see Riley's point of view, I also appreciate yours. I was talking about the dress code with my dad yesterday and he asked me for my opinion on it. I started off ranting about how unfair the dress codes were and how teachers have no right to do what they do. However, as we talked about it, I began to realize the reason for the dress codes. I think that students have every right to express themselves. I also think that the dress codes at this school are slightly extreme. But if there were not dress codes, when would people go too far? While I was talking with my dad I realized dress codes are put in place to prepare students for the real world and show them there is a time and a place for certain clothes. You wouldn't wear a crop top to work so why is it being worn in a school? I'm not saying I agree completely with either side. Both Riley and Mrs. Sheuerman present solid points. I'm just saying I see both sides and haven't made a decision either way because this is not a black and white issue.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday, October 13

I feel like the perfect school would be opposite of what we have now. Instead of being focused on grades and tests, we would have to apply our knowledge to the real world. The curriculum we would learn would be knowledge that is crucial to surviving in the real world. We would be able to choose our classes based on what we want to do and what we are interested in. Core classes would cover what is actually needed to be successful. I personally would base my studies on how to run a global non-for-profit business. I feel kids would be more interested in learning if education was changed to follow what is stated above.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday, October 7

The following article was in the September issue of The Tiger Print. Read the article (even if you already have) and respond to it below. What do you think? Do you agree? Disagree? Consider all perspectives of the article while you respond.

I agree with this article 100%. And I'm really glad someone finally said it. I find dress codes ridiculous and insulting. Dress codes state that a male's education is not only more important than a females but that girls are responsible for a the guy's education. The fact that administration is embarrassing girls, lowering their self esteem, and making everyone uncomfortable just so guys can focus is despicable. I read an article similar to this one last night and it stated that if girls were not treated as overly-sexualized objects we would not have this problem. I believe girls should be able to wear whatever they want, because guys can. Males and Females should be treated in equal ways and the education of both genders should be valued in the same way. I could go on about this forever. But this article should be shown to every woman in every school and every person in administration. Maybe then, people would understand.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday, October 6

Tell me about your weekend! If you don't have anything fun to share, tell me about the city you live in. What do you love about Kansas City? Do you have a favorite place in the city? Favorite team? :) Favorite event? Explain.

This weekend was fab. On Friday, I hung out with my friend Jill. We got Chipotle then went to REI to get her a hammock. She got a super cool ENO that was purple, yellow, and blue and could fit two people. We were freaking out in the store so people probably thought we were really obnoxious. But we didn't care because we were super excited. We went back to her house and set it up in her backyard. We then brought a portable DVD player out and watched the Fault In Our Stars in the hammock. It was magical. Until it dropped like 30 degrees and we froze. But it was still fun. Saturday I worked at Swim Quik. Sunday I worked at church. I went shopping with my mom and sister Sunday afternoon then went to bible study. Sunday night I babysat for people who were going to the Royals game so they didn't get home until really late so that was a party. Overall it was a good weekend!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday, September 29

Tell me about your Homecoming weekend! If you didn't participate in the Homecoming festivities, what did you do? Share pics!

While this picture is not from homecoming,
 it is from the weekend.
This weekend, I did not participate in homecoming festivities. However, I did do some fun stuff with my friends homecoming night. We all met at José Peppers and ate some delish food. We then went to my friends house and just hung out for a while. We ate some food, talked, and went to a park for a little bit. We helped clean up homecoming because two of my friends are on student council, but by the time we got there, most of it was already cleaned up. Overall it was a pretty fun homecoming!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Monday, September 22

How was your weekend? Did you do anything exciting? Share photos!

Where I am hopefully going to school <3
This weekend was productive yet boring at the same time. Friday night, I went to dinner with my friend from Mill Valley and then we went to my friends play. He wrote one of the plays so his play was really good but the rest were kind of boring. On Saturday, I applied to Kstate and John Brown University as well as signed up for my preview day at John Brow. Saturday night I worked and it was not the funnest experience of my life. Sunday I worked for like an hour and then went to church. Then I spent the afternoon with my sister getting Jill Fisher a birthday present and then I brought Jill Fisher her birthday present. I then went to bible study and KCLYC and it was a party. That's about it!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday, September 19

Now that you are several weeks in to this class and have coded one (super small) website, what do you think? What are your thoughts on web design? Is it what you thought it would be? Is it better? Worse? What's your favorite part? What's your least favorite part? Explain.

After making a small website, I now realize that coding is very difficult. I didn't know it would be so precise and hard. On web design in general, I do think it is very interesting to learn how a website is coded. Having said that, I don't want to do it for a career or have a career that involves coding in any way. I definitely thought this class would be more designing less coding but it's cool. This class is definitely harder than I thought it would be. My favorite part is probably CSS because it is a little easier than HTML and more fun. But overall, coding is hard. 
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Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thursday, September 18

What is the importance of deadlines? How do high school deadlines reflect or simulate "real world" experience? Give an example of when you met or or didn't meet a deadline that was important.

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I think deadlines are important because without them nothing would get done. In school, deadlines keep teachers and students on schedule. However, what is different about real world deadlines and school deadlines is the strictness of the deadline. It is not true for all, but for some teachers, a deadline isn't a requirement but more of a suggestion. If a student misses it, they can turn it in the next day with no punishment. Especially senior year, a lot of teachers have very strict deadlines, and if you miss them, you cannot make it up.  They do this because, in college, a professor will not give you an extra day to turn in an assignment because they don't have time and have many other students to worry about. I think it would be better for a teacher to be strict rather than lenient because it prepares the student for college. I usually get things in by the deadline. However, if I don't, it is usually a smaller assignment and I accept lower points because I know it is my own fault I didn't finish it. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday, September 16

Reflect on this quote. Give an example of a time in your life that this might have been the case.

This actually happens to me a lot in school. I will have so much homework that I can't do it all. A class will be left out, and I just accept the fact that I will get a bad grade on the test or assignment because there isn't enough time in the day for me to do everything I need to do. This happens mostly for French class because I do my homework in order of importance, and core classes beat french. A lot of times I will have a quiz in French the next day but I don't have time to study for it, so I just accept the fact I won't get a perfect score on the test. So by not preparing, I am prepared to fail.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, September 15

What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them!

This weekend was stellar. On Friday, I went to the football game with my friends. Although it was frigid, we still had a great time. On Saturday morning I went on a run and helped a dog find its owner. After that, I picked up my friend Jill and we met my best friend in the entire world, Marge Anderson, for breakfast! We had a running bear hug in the parking lot because she has been at college for a while it was a good time. After breakfast we went shopping for a while and then had to drop Jill off so she could go to homecoming. I went with Maggie and her twin Sam to pick out a birthday present for their mom. I then joined the Anderson family for a birthday dinner and s'mores. They are fab. Sunday I went to church, then bible study, then Lawrence with my family to visit my brother. We went to this super cool underground pizza place for dinner, then got coffee, and saw my brothers apartment as well as his girlfriend's. Overall, it was a fab weekend.\


Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday, September 11

Below is one of my favorite quotes that I found on Pinterest. Think read and think about what this says and then blog about it. What does this quote mean to you? Elaborate! Feel free to give an example of tell a story.

I agree with this post on so many levels. One thing I value and would like to do in my life is travel. I think there is so much in the world I haven't seen, and if I die before I haven't seen all of it, I will be peeved. I have a list of 5(ish) things I look for in a college and one of the top requirements is a great study abroad program. I want to be able to attend many different countries. I want to learn there, live there, and learn everything I can about the culture and people in that country. My best friend ever, Maggie, does a program called Amigos. She goes to a certain country every summer, stays there for over a month, and learns what it is like to live there. While there, she teaches in a school, organizes a community project, and changes people's lives while her life is changed.That's what I want to do. I want to change people's live through my work and, in turn, have my live changed by them. I'm so excited to travel the world and live in different countries and never be bored. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, September 9

How do you express your creativity? Explain.

I am in no way an artist. I can't draw. I can't paint. I can't sing or dance or do ceramics. So, for me, creativity is not shown through art. I use my imagination a lot but it is usually in the form of problem-solving or speech. I really wish I was a creative person. I've always wanted to be able to express myself through my art, but I can't so that's just too bad.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, September 8

What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them!

This weekend was pretty fab. On Friday, I went to the gym (wow I know) and then went to José Peppers with some friends! We hung out there for a little while then went back to my friends house. We danced and played pin ball and watched movies for most of the night. On Saturday, I worked most of the day. Saturday night I picked up my friend Jill and we went to dinner, then headed to meet some people to play hostage. I thought hostage would be really fun but it actually was not any fun at all and I just wasted a bunch of gas. I wished it would have been more fun but it wasn't, so I won't be playing again. Sunday I worked all morning then came home and did homework for most of the day. Sunday night my family and I went on a family bike ride because we are the cutest family ever. 

Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September 5

Kids these days are more interested in technology than they are with actual interaction. I see it all the time; kids will go out to eat with their friends then be on their phones the whole time. They would rather talk to people over social media or text than they would face to face. They need to focus more on what is going on around them and less than what is going on online. They also take everything for granted. They have way more than I would have ever dreamed of having as a kid, yet they are still complaining and asking for more. They just need to grow up.
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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday, September 4

Tell me about what you have learned in this class so far. Have you learned a lot? Do you want to learn more? What do you want to be able to do by the end of the semester?

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So far, we have learned the basics of HTML. We can build a very simple website, such as My Typical Day. I feel like we have learned a lot but at the same time we have so much more to learn if we are going to know everything about building a website and internet code. I would like to know more about the cosmetic sides of the website like different colors, fonts, and more. I know we have already learned how to do the very basics of this, but I would like to know more advanced colors and fonts. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tuesday, September 2

Every Labor Day weekend, my family and our family friends head down to Rogers, Arkansas. The dads usually go down a few days early to fish, and the girls go down on Saturday. On Saturday, we drove down early Saturday morning, got there around 3, and shopped until it was time for dinner. We then went to dinner and hung out in the hotel. Sunday we got up early and went for a hike at Crystal Bridges. Crystal Bridges is an outdoor museum where you can hike, bike, or run while looking at really cool sculptures. Sunday afternoon, the moms, my friend, and I got massages in the spa at the hotel. We then spent the rest of the day relaxing and hanging out. Monday we spent some time shopping then headed home, stopping for Fuzzy's Tacos on the way. It was a very fun and relaxing weekend! 
Crystal Bridges in Arkansas
Selfies on the roadtrip 

Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29

Read this small newspaper clipping and then write a blog post about it. What are your thoughts? How does it make you feel? Do you agree? Disagree? Explain yourself.

I think this is a great article that really resonates with me. First of all, I think it is very true. my parents always say that it is not their job to entertain me all the time and I never really listened because I was bored and I wanted something to do. As I've gotten older, I feel like there is always something to do and it is my responsibility to do what I need to do. What really affected me was their comment about it is not the community's job to entertain either. This affected me because I have been part of an ongoing service project downtown where we are building an after school activity center so the youth in the surrounding area have somewhere to go and something to do. While I don't think it is the community's job to entertain people but I also don't think they should sit back and watch. I think everyone should be involved in the community. Overall, I loved this article.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday, August 28

Tell me if you agree with this statement and then explain why or why not. "Images on the internet are 'free game' - if someone posted it, I should be able to use it."

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I agree with this statement. By posting a picture online, a person should understand that it can be seen by anyone and used by anyone. When they post their picture online, they essentially give up their rights to the picture because it can now be found by anyone online. However, I do think that if someone uses a picture posted online by someone else, the person using it should give credit where credit is due. It is considered plagiarism to take someone else's picture without giving them credit, so people should be sure to give them credit. However, Wikipedia does state "An instruction to a browser to jump to a URL is not a reproduction or distribution of a copy of what is at the referenced URL" so do with that what you will. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, August 26

Tell me a little bit about yourself and your life here at BVHS. What activities or clubs are you involved in? What year are you in school? What is your favorite class and/or teacher so far this year? What are you looking forward to this school year? Include some original photos from your phone if you can.

I am going on my fourth year here at Blue Valley High school. I love this school and wouldn't choose to go anywhere else. I am involved in NHS, NFHS, French club, and softball. This year I definitely have a variety of classes and it is very difficult to pick one as my favorite. I like a lot of my classes because of the friends I have in that class, but others I like for the content. If I had to choose one, I would probably choose study hall, not because we don't do anything but because of the privileges we get as a senior. We can sign into the class then go anywhere we want in the school to study or hang out with friends. My study hall is also my lunch period so I can also eat whatever lunch I want, letting me eat with my friends everyday. Senior year has been great so far and I'm so excited to see what else it has to bring!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday, August 25

What do you know about Web Design right now? What did you know about Web Design before you walked in to this class? Tell me as much as you can about how web pages work. Try to use an example if possible.

This is me trying to figure out HTML.
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Right now, I still have very limited knowledge about Web Design. While it may be more than I knew when I came in (nothing), I still only knew the few things we have learned in class. As of right now I know how to type some codes, called HTML I believe. I can add a picture, link, heading, title, some paragraphs, change font size and color, and change background color; although help may be required for some. If I were to go make a webpage right now using code it would be a very plain, very simple webpage with many mistakes and lots of frustration from yours truly. By the end of this class, I would love to be able to make a quality webpage using my new-found skills!